Spotlight Youth Productions

Music, Dance and Drama

20th Anniversary

Spotlight Youth Productions was founded in February 1997 with the aim of providing a youth theatre facility within the Brownhills area in Walsall.  It is run by a team of volunteers under the guidance and support of Brownhills Community Association.  These volunteers make up the formal Management Committee and Production Team with some people fulfilling dual roles.  We also have several members of Spotlight sitting on the Management Committee as members' representatives. 

More information can be found

What we do

Since its inception in 1997 the aim of Spotlight has been to rehearse and perform musical theatre productions bringing fun and joy to its members and audiences alike.

We rehearse our singing, dancing and acting each Sunday throughout the year but take a short break during the school summer holidays.

We perform two main productions each year, a pantomime in January and a summer show in July with the occasional concerts and showcases in between.

We have also made a CD and hold social events throughout the year the most popular being our Carols by Candlelight at Christmas.


Rehearsals each Sunday
2:00pm - 5:00pm
07528 456 031

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