Thespian Arts

Music, Dance, Drama and singing

Instrument & Performing Arts Classes
20th Anniversary

We are a self-sustained 'Community Interest Company' (C.I.C) that believes in offering every young person the opportunity to benefit from the arts. We are often growing our list of classes and services to further meet the needs and wants of our community.
Our members are offered lots of on-stage experiences at popular public events, and at theatres across the West Midlands. We believe that the best place for our members to learn about being on the stage, is on the stage.

20th Anniversary

Our classes at Brownhills Community Centre:
16:30-17:30 Mini Mixers
17:30-18:00 Dance Private Lessons
18:00-19:00 Dance Group
18:00-19:00 Guitar Group
19:00-20:00 Piano Group
19:00-20:30 Drama Group
16:30-17:30 Piano Group
18:30-20:30 Musical Theatre Group
10:00-11:00 Vocal Group
10:00-11:00 Guitar Group
11:00-12:00 Drum Group
                                                                                             12:00-13:00 Piano Group

07528 788868

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