Walsall Energy Action Project

Carbon Statement
Brownhills Community Association is proud to be part of the Walsall Energy Action Project (WEAP)
It is our goal to help Walsall, and in particular Brownhills, become as socially and environmentally responsible as possible to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment for today and future generations.
With education, knowledge sharing, and better understanding, Brownhills and Walsall can make steady progress towards becoming a carbon neutral borough.
By changing and regulating the amount of resources that we use we can help to reduce the co2 emissions that are put into our precious environment.
With this effort, we are making a positive shift to ensure a safer place for future generations.
We are able to offer advice on: -
· Understanding your energy bills
· How to reduce your bills with energy saving tips
· How to read your gas and electricity meters
· Understanding and controlling your heating systems
· How to improve your home energy efficiency
· Availability of energy saving grants
· Understanding your carbon footprint
· Climate action you can take locally
We can also arrange for one of our experts to visit you at home and perform a household health check
It is our goal to help Walsall, and in particular Brownhills, become as socially and environmentally responsible as possible to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment for today and future generations.
With education, knowledge sharing, and better understanding, Brownhills and Walsall can make steady progress towards becoming a carbon neutral borough.
By changing and regulating the amount of resources that we use we can help to reduce the co2 emissions that are put into our precious environment.
With this effort, we are making a positive shift to ensure a safer place for future generations.
We are able to offer advice on: -
· Understanding your energy bills
· How to reduce your bills with energy saving tips
· How to read your gas and electricity meters
· Understanding and controlling your heating systems
· How to improve your home energy efficiency
· Availability of energy saving grants
· Understanding your carbon footprint
· Climate action you can take locally
We can also arrange for one of our experts to visit you at home and perform a household health check
The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest community funder in the UK, has awarded funding to help local organisations support Walsall residents and communities to take action on high energy bills and the climate crisis.
This has led to the formation of Walsall Energy Action Project (WEAP).
The Walsall Energy Action Project is a partnership project between Ryecroft NRC, Aaina Community Hub Ltd, Brownhills Community Association, Darlaston All Active, Nash Dom CIC, Walsall Working for Change CIC and Walsall Council
This has led to the formation of Walsall Energy Action Project (WEAP).
The Walsall Energy Action Project is a partnership project between Ryecroft NRC, Aaina Community Hub Ltd, Brownhills Community Association, Darlaston All Active, Nash Dom CIC, Walsall Working for Change CIC and Walsall Council
To build a sustainable, climate resilient and net zero Walsall by working with the community to reduce carbon emissions and climate inequalities and to target support to those in fuel poverty and climate vulnerable communities.
Aims and Objectives
To provide education so people understand their energy use and how to save money.
To give advice and information to people on how to make their homes more energy efficient
To improve people’s understanding of climate change and carbon footprints
To improve people’s understanding of climate change and carbon footprints
WEAP at Brownhills Community Centre
Here at Brownhills we have a part-time Energy and Advice Officer, Carol Robson who will be at the centre 3 days a week (normally Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) to give free energy and climate action advice.
Individual, 1-2-1, and group advice sessions will be available here and home advice visits will be offered to those who are unable to visit community centres or would like more advice that will be specific to their own homes.
We will be offering advice on –
Individual, 1-2-1, and group advice sessions will be available here and home advice visits will be offered to those who are unable to visit community centres or would like more advice that will be specific to their own homes.
We will be offering advice on –
- Saving energy around the home
- Understanding your energy bills
- Improving the efficiency of your home
- Ways to reduce your carbon footprint
We have lots of simple tips to help reduce your energy bills!
There is also a Library of Inspiration where we have a collection of books for loan to residents to inspire them to take energy and climate actions.
No need to book an appointment, just call in or you can contact us on 01543 452119 and ask for Carol.
There is also a Library of Inspiration where we have a collection of books for loan to residents to inspire them to take energy and climate actions.
No need to book an appointment, just call in or you can contact us on 01543 452119 and ask for Carol.
Introduction Video
Useful Links
Please see below for links to sites that you may find useful.
Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation – working to address the climate emergency.
Citizens Advice may be able to help you if you are struggling to afford your energy bills or top up your prepayment meter.
Black Country Foodbank helps vulnerable individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food and toiletry supplies while a longer-term solution is developed. Information on the service provided and where to take your Black Country Foodbank voucher or voucher code.
See what support is available to help with the cost of living and save money with the government's energy saving tips.
Myth and facts
The science of Global Warming is too uncertain to act on
The most respected scientific organizations have stated unequivocally that global warming is happening, and people are causing it by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which in 2005 the White House called “the gold standard of objective scientific assessment,” issued a joint statement with 10 other National Academies of Science saying “the scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify
nations taking prompt action. It is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions.”
The only debate in the science community about global warming is about how much and how fast warming will continue as a result of heat-trapping emissions. In the case of global warming, scientists have given a clear warning, and we have more than enough facts to act on.
nations taking prompt action. It is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions.”
The only debate in the science community about global warming is about how much and how fast warming will continue as a result of heat-trapping emissions. In the case of global warming, scientists have given a clear warning, and we have more than enough facts to act on.
Global warming is just part of one of the earth’s natural cycles
The global warming we are experiencing is not natural.
People are causing it by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. Scientists have shown that these activities are pumping far more carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere than was ever released in hundreds of thousands of years. This buildup of CO2 is the biggest cause of global warming. (IPCC 2001) Since 1895, scientists have known that CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat and warm the earth. As the warming has intensified over the past three decades, scientific scrutiny has increased along with it. Scientists have considered and ruled out other natural explanations such as sunlight, volcanic eruptions and cosmic rays. (IPCC 2001).
Though natural amounts of CO2 vary from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), today’s CO2 levels are around 380 ppm. That’s 25% more than the highest natural levels, looking back 650,000 years. Increased CO2 levels have corresponded with higher average temperatures throughout that long record. (Boden, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre)
People are causing it by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. Scientists have shown that these activities are pumping far more carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere than was ever released in hundreds of thousands of years. This buildup of CO2 is the biggest cause of global warming. (IPCC 2001) Since 1895, scientists have known that CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat and warm the earth. As the warming has intensified over the past three decades, scientific scrutiny has increased along with it. Scientists have considered and ruled out other natural explanations such as sunlight, volcanic eruptions and cosmic rays. (IPCC 2001).
Though natural amounts of CO2 vary from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), today’s CO2 levels are around 380 ppm. That’s 25% more than the highest natural levels, looking back 650,000 years. Increased CO2 levels have corresponded with higher average temperatures throughout that long record. (Boden, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre)
As the ozone hole shrinks, global warming will no longer be a problem
Global warming and the ozone hole are different problems.
The ozone hole is a thinning of the stratosphere’s ozone layer, which is roughly 9 to 31 miles above the earth’s surface. The depletion of the ozone is due to man-made chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). A thinner ozone layer lets more harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation to reach the earth’s surface.
Global warming, on the other hand, is the increase in the earth’s average temperature due to the buildup of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities
The ozone hole is a thinning of the stratosphere’s ozone layer, which is roughly 9 to 31 miles above the earth’s surface. The depletion of the ozone is due to man-made chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). A thinner ozone layer lets more harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation to reach the earth’s surface.
Global warming, on the other hand, is the increase in the earth’s average temperature due to the buildup of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities
We can adapt to climate change—civilization has survived droughts and ice ages before
Individual civilizations have collapsed from dramatic climatic shifts.
Although humans as a whole have survived the vagaries of drought, ice ages and more, not every society has. What’s more, unless we limit the amount of heat-trapping gases we are putting into the atmosphere, we will face a warming trend unseen since human civilization began 10,000
years ago. (IPCC 2001).
The consequences of continued warming at current rates are likely to be dire. Many densely populated areas, such as low-lying coastal regions, are highly vulnerable to climate shifts. A
middle-of-the-range projection is that the homes of 13 to 88 million people around the world would be flooded by the sea each year in the 2080s. Poorer countries and small island nations will have the hardest time adapting. (McLean et al. 2001) In what appears to be the first forced move resulting from climate change, 100 residents of Tegua island in the Pacific Ocean were evacuated by the government because rising sea levels were flooding their island. Some 2,000 other islanders plan a similar move to escape rising waters.
Scarcity of water and food could lead to major conflicts with broad ripple effects throughout the globe. Even if people find a way to adapt, the wildlife and plants on which we depend may be unable to adapt to rapid climate change. While the world itself will not end, the world as we know it may disappear.
Although humans as a whole have survived the vagaries of drought, ice ages and more, not every society has. What’s more, unless we limit the amount of heat-trapping gases we are putting into the atmosphere, we will face a warming trend unseen since human civilization began 10,000
years ago. (IPCC 2001).
The consequences of continued warming at current rates are likely to be dire. Many densely populated areas, such as low-lying coastal regions, are highly vulnerable to climate shifts. A
middle-of-the-range projection is that the homes of 13 to 88 million people around the world would be flooded by the sea each year in the 2080s. Poorer countries and small island nations will have the hardest time adapting. (McLean et al. 2001) In what appears to be the first forced move resulting from climate change, 100 residents of Tegua island in the Pacific Ocean were evacuated by the government because rising sea levels were flooding their island. Some 2,000 other islanders plan a similar move to escape rising waters.
Scarcity of water and food could lead to major conflicts with broad ripple effects throughout the globe. Even if people find a way to adapt, the wildlife and plants on which we depend may be unable to adapt to rapid climate change. While the world itself will not end, the world as we know it may disappear.